25 Oktober 2006

Hot sock swap arrived

Today the postman brought me the Hot Sock Swap from Nan. Thank you sooooooo much for all the wonderful things you sent to me. Here is what she send me.
Wonderful Lornas Lace yarn. It is my first yarn of this brand and I must say, it is greatful. Now I can understand all who like this yarn much. The colour is great.
Some chocolat bars, all sound yummy. A cherry lipglos. And great tasting tea.
And at least a knit.1 magazine, who I ask her if she could sent it to me. Again Nan, thank you much for all the great things, you made my day.

21 Oktober 2006

Make louder

And this is the second song I could hear for the whole day. Great song.

Turn the speakers on

This is such a great cover of the original from Seal. I love this song.

19 Oktober 2006

Hot sock swap

Yesterday I sent out my Hot sock swap. I hope that he will reach his destination very fast. And that my pal will like what I sent to her.

New socks

So here are the socks I promised at the weekend. The first one is for my husband and made of Opal yarn in size 44.

The next one is for me in size 40 and also made of Opal yarn. The pattern is from a book my Wollfee gave me as present.

And the last one is also for me in size 40 and made with Fortissima Colori Socka Disco Color. Unluckily you cannot see the glittering good at the photo.

Time is flying that fast at the moment. Cannot believe that more than one week is gone since my father-in-law past away. There is so much things to plan on. Yesterday we looked for the urn and tomorrow we will looking for the flowers for the ceremony. I will be happy when the funeral is over next week. I don't like to go to funerals.

It is getting cool here for the temperatures. Its really autumn. I like the autumn much, with all the different colors on it.

13 Oktober 2006


to my Secret Pal, I got your email yesterday. Thank you for the nice words. I will answer your mail at the next days. I believe that we will have a nice time together. The e-card you sent is soooo cute.

The funeral of my f-i-l will be in a fortnight. Such a long time to go. I would be much happier if she would be earlier, but our reverend will be in vacation next week. The kids here have two weeks off from school from today. And when the referend will be back, there are first some other funerals. There is so much to do before this. Isn't the work that you do with fun.

Tomorrow I will post some new sock pictures.

09 Oktober 2006

This candle

burns here for my father-in-law, who died this morning at the age of 75, after a short, hard illness. I will miss him much.

04 Oktober 2006

Our weekend

As we had a holiday yesterday here in Germany we had a long weekend. Frank had a day off from work on Monday.
Saturday we went first do Bonn and go to the outlet store from H*ribo. You can get the gums there cheaper and the selection is very big. After that we went to Maastricht in the Netherlands. Its a beautiful city. We spent a few hours there and had a lot of fun, as the weather also was very nice at this day.
Sunday we had to buy a new coffeepad machine, as our old one was broken some weeks ago. At Sunday the shops in our region where open and we saw a very good offer at the newspaper for a Sen*eo coffeepad machine. So we went to the shop and bought her. After that we went to my father-in-law, who is lying in the hospital since three weeks now. He has lunge cancer. And the doctors told him, when he get the diagnostic at the middle of August, that he had only a short time to live. And what should I say, this was a mistake. The cancer isn't that bad how they told him, and there is still a way to help him.
At Monday we went to the swedish furniturehouse (I*EA) and had a wonderful breakfast, after we found a place in the restaurant. It is always hard to find a place there at the morning, specially if many people have a day off from work. And also the kids have off from school. Like every visit at the store I bought some new stuff.
And yesterday we had a lazy day at the couch. I finished one sock as I heard a audiobook and Frank watched some DVD. It had rained the whole day yesterday.
I had looked for a good picture from Maastricht, but what should I say, we haven't one.

03 Oktober 2006

Secret Pal 9 Questionary

Dear Pal,

the questionary you can find here
Hope that we will have a nice time together and much