20 August 2008


It seems that there is space in every little cardboard box. I found our Topolino yesterday evening in this little one.


14 August 2008

Still missing

Since 5 weeks we are now missing our cat Tiffy. I believe that we wouldn't found her. As I wrote before, she was ill. So I believe more that she died. We bring on flyers with her photo and all important things on trees and so on. We got two phone calls, but that wasn't our Tiffy. It was a other black-white cat. This is the last photo of her.


My secret pal package

Times is flying that fast. There had been two weeks since my last post. Cannot believe it. Here is a photo of my first Secret Pal package. As I wrote before, I got wonderful things from my pal.


Question of the Week #9

Have you ever entered your knitting (or anything else) in the fair? Would you ever consider it?

I have never entered my knitting on a fair. We haven't much of them here in my town. Only two ones, one in summer and than at the Christmas market.

Question of the Week #8

What is your favorite supper for a hot summer evening?

When it is hot, I love salad, salad and salad. In many variations. Or a BBQ.