21 Juni 2008

Socks Nr. 18 + 19

Here are the socks that I had knit at the last week. The first one is for my husband, in size 44, knitted with a Opal wool from the last Abo.


And the next one are for me, in size 40, also with a Opal wool. The pattern I have found at Ravelry and it was very easy to knit, it called Socks of kidness .


Secret Pal 12 ~ Question of the Week #2

As a kid, what did you look forward to most about summer vacation/break/holiday?

As we always went to a campingplace in Italy, I looked forward to met my friends there. We stayed
there every year for six weeks and so I had some close friends there. They are from all nations.
Sure, they changed also from summer to summer, but some of them also came every year, like me.
For me the six weeks in Italy had been always great. This is also the reason why I love to Italy
also today.

13 Juni 2008

Secret Pal 12 ~ Question of the week

I found the idea very good to have a question of the week, so you must post in your blog. Here is the first question:

Whats your favorite summer time drink? Or winter drink? ( for those of you in he southern hemisphere)

I must say, I mostly drink water. Sometimes Ice-tea, or cola/lime with beer. So my answer isn't the longest one.


Here are the photos of our concert visiting and the zoo. We have a new camera now, hope that this one will be fit for the next years :-)
This the ones from the concert.

And this the ones from the zoo.

09 Juni 2008


We had a nice weekend. At Friday we went to a concert from Herbert Grönemeyer in Mönchengladbach. It was a very great concert and I enjoyed much. We sleeped in a Hotel not too far away from Mönchengladbach. At Saturday we went first to the Netherlands to buy some coffee and than to Duisburg. There we went to the zoo. It is a nice zoo and we had much fun.
I would like to show some pics of this two days, but our camera wouldn't go on since yesterday. As it is a new one, I will send her back today. We has have the camera since one week. Yesterday evening she went out and never on again. The accu is full, but nothing. So I can show pics when I get the new one at the next days. My cardreader cannot read the new card I have bought for the camera.

Yesterday evening we looked the EM game Germany-Poland. Great that our boys won the game. I only watch football at EM or WM.

Now I'm waiting for the phone call of the vet clinic. I hope that she has good news, but I don't believe it.

02 Juni 2008

Needing crossed fingers

Today I was with our oldest cat Tiffy at the vet clinic. Our normally vet couldn't do anything more, he hadn't the special diagnostic stuff at his practice. So I went to the clinic at the morning, needing an hour to come there. Normally you need a half hour, but with the rush-hour traffic you need more.
The vet made a x-ray of the lung and than a endoscopy. They found something at the tongue and at the larynx. The took a sample of the tissue and we will get the result next Monday. She said it looks like it is malignant, because it is so much. You cannot believe how I feel. When I drive home, I had cried. At the moment she is sleeping, as a reason of the narcotic. Beside the harder breathing, she is looking good. She is eating good and don't look ill.
I try my best to see positiv, but at the moment the negativ thoughs are more.

Here is a photo of her. She is such a sweet cat.
