Today I was with our oldest cat Tiffy at the vet clinic. Our normally vet couldn't do anything more, he hadn't the special diagnostic stuff at his practice. So I went to the clinic at the morning, needing an hour to come there. Normally you need a half hour, but with the rush-hour traffic you need more.
The vet made a x-ray of the lung and than a endoscopy. They found something at the tongue and at the larynx. The took a sample of the tissue and we will get the result next Monday. She said it looks like it is malignant, because it is so much. You cannot believe how I feel. When I drive home, I had cried. At the moment she is sleeping, as a reason of the narcotic. Beside the harder breathing, she is looking good. She is eating good and don't look ill.
I try my best to see positiv, but at the moment the negativ thoughs are more.
Here is a photo of her. She is such a sweet cat.