28 November 2006

Lorna's Lace Socks

This are the socks from the Lorna's Lace yarn my Hot Sock partner Nan sent to me. It was very great to knit and I love the colour. I have still some rest of the yarn and I will see what I have to knit of it.

And like this our couch looked at Sunday evening. Not that the cats have more than enough places that they call her own, they must lay at our couch. So we had no place.
The cats are, from left, Micky, Principessa, Mikesch and Oskar. Only Topolino wasn't there.

25 November 2006


And a again a sleeping photo from one of our cats. This is Principessa. She get this name, because she is our little princess. We grown her up with the hand. We got her when she was only a few days old. My brother found her and two siblings, in the stables where their horse stand at this time. The mother was hidden by a car. So we tried our best to get all three grown, but unluckily we must put two of them to sleep. They had an bad illness at the brain and so it was the best for them. Principessa is now three years old.

Socks again

And again I get some socks this week ready. One is a order from a friend of mine, still have two pairs to work on. And the other on is for my sister-in-law. She need thick socks for her riding shoes. They have a wonderful horse, called Fiona. I sometimes bring her to the willow. I will do some photos soon.
Here are the photos from the socks. The first one are the one for my friend.

Than I bought today a new game for the Nintendo DS. It is this here. I like much to play it. I had it years ago for the Nintendo 64 and played it for many hours.

14 November 2006


This is my cat Micky, he is now 10 years old and the chief of the group. He stays many hours outside, but like to come in and sleep.

13 November 2006

When the postman rings today....

he brings in a package from my secret pal.

I open it very fast :-)
And found this wonderful things. The yarn is so softly and the colour is great.

Here you see it much better.
And the shower gel and body lotion smelling wonderfulAnd the card with the cat is funny.
Thank you sooooo much my secret pal. You made my day.

11 November 2006

Moved in

today is this game.

I had looked a longer time for it, and ever said, no no no. Today was the day my hubby said, yes, we will buy one. So we went to the store this afternoon and get one. The game I get with it was this.

So I played now for the whole evening. No time for knitting. ;-) And that who I want to knit on the wonderful Lornas Lace yarn. I promise I will do this tomorrow. My mother will come here for lunch tomorrow and I will make Lasagne, as she wish this.

08 November 2006


Here are some socks that I made at the last days. The first one is for my hubby, in size 44, made of Opal wool.

The next one is for a swap, made with Zitron wool in size 38.

pink who knew

Also a very good song, so turn the speakers on.

Much time...

went on since my last post. There was so much happen here at the last week, not funny. Inherit isn't a nice thing. There are so many things to do. Is had been much better if my f-i-l had made a testament, but no, my s-i-l said this wouldn't be good, as he had nothing to do with all the stuff. The house was my m-i-l and when she died, all ground and houses went to the childs, means my husband and my s-i-l. Hope this wasn't not too confused. But my f-i-l also get a part of the house and grounds, and no it get complication. I hope that this all will be over soon, as I won't have any fight in the family. This is my fear.
The funeral was, if we can say this, very nice. The pastor hold a very nice homily. After the funeral we went to the community centre and ate cake and drunk caffee.
Last week, Frank had three days off from work. So we had been away for nearly every day. At Wednesday we made our garden ready for winter. There was a lot of work, but now the winter can come. It is colder here now.
Than we used the time to bought a new desktop for our computer. He will come at the end of the year. What isn't that far away. :-)
And I bought the train tickets for our winter vacation in January. We will go to the Allgäu at January, 6. This is also Franks birthday, don't know what I give him.
So now I believe all is up to date.
I will now post photos of my cats from time to time. Here is the first one, this is Topolino a very sweet and small cat.